Fees cover one half term, usually six weeks. Discounts or refunds will not be given for classes missed by the pupil.
Classes are Classes are £4.50 per half hour, £6 per 45 mins, and £6.50 per hour. Private classes are £15 per 30 mins. We offer an all you can dance pass for £28 a week. Private classes are dependent on room hire, and are £30 per hour.
The School should receive fees by the date shown on the invoice. Any late payments will incur a surcharge of £10 "late fee" to cover admin costs. Unpaid invoices will result in the child not being able to attend class.
If you do not receive an invoice, please advise Miss Katie.
We offer a free trial session. You will be invoiced for the rest of the upcoming half term after this session. If the student decides not to join the class, please drop an email to katie@applebydancecompany.com so we can update our registers and records.
The only method of payment is via bank transfer until our online systems are up and running. An email with an invoice will be sent containing all payment details and deadlines.
All fees are non-refundable. If a pupil has a long-term illness or injury, fees may be refunded at the Principal’s discretion. This does not include minor illness or holidays taken during the term.
8. Unless an unexpected closure occurs, such as weather, we do not do "make-up" classes.
Parents of children in Busy Bees must remain on the premises for the duration of their class, with Little Apples in the class, dependent on COVID regulations.
On the rare occasion that a class is cancelled, it will be rescheduled. If this is not possible, any fees already paid for the scheduled class will be subtracted from the next term’s fees.
The School will not be held responsible for classes cancelled for circumstances beyond the School’s control. If it is necessary to cancel a class or if a child cannot attend a class due to their participation in another Appleby Dance Company performance/exam/event, class fees will not be refunded.
Students must be on time to class, and be picked up on time. This is the parents responsibility.
6. Students of Primary School age must be collected from the waiting room/hall/exit by a parent/carer or responsible adult. The teacher must be informed if persons other than the child’s parent or legal guardian will collect the child. Students under this age will not be permitted to leave unattended.
Following advice from the NHS, students should not attend class if they or anyone in the household have any of the following symptoms or have done in the previous 14 days:
New, continuous cough
High temperature
Loss or change of your sense of taste or smell
Your child should not attend class if the following applies:
If you have symptoms of coronavirus
If you have tested positive for coronavirus
Someone in your household has tested positive or has symptoms of coronavirus
You are told to self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace
You arrive in the UK from a country with a high coronavirus risk – see GOV.UK: how to self-isolate when you travel to the UK
If your child or anyone in your household has any of the following you must inform Miss Katie immediately:
If we are informed by any of our student’s families that they have experienced any of the above, we will discuss the situation with NHS Test and Trace and notify any families who may be affected immediately.
Tests positive for COVID-19,
Is asked to self-isolate
Has been in close contact with anyone who tests positive for COVID-19
In class, if a student becomes unwell with Coronavirus symptoms, the teacher will ask them to move to a safe, well ventilated and supervised space where they can keep 3m away from others. The teacher will assess whether it is safe and reasonable to ask them to wear a mask and will provide a single-use disposable mask to the dancer. The teacher will then contact the parent to collect their child. Anything that they have touched will be cleaned adequately and parents of all dancers attending that class (or any class where the symptomatic child has danced in) will be notified by email to monitor their dancer for symptoms.
If a second child from the same class becomes unwell, the parent must notify the school and entire class will move online for two weeks to permit adequate quarantine. This may or may not be at the same time or day as the class takes place depending on the teacher availability.
Should a local lockdown come into force at any time during the term, we will endeavor to reschedule all classes for the remainder of the term into online classes.
If you wish to discontinue a class before a term begins (for example, during a holiday/half term) a two week notice period will be charged to give opportunity to fill this space. If it is in the middle of a term, the remainder of the half term will still be payable.